Thursday, February 23, 2017

Math Celebration Today! / Exploring Parts and Wholes

Today, third graders and fourth graders joined forces to celebrate mathematics learning. They shared math games and math strategies with parents, students in other grades, and teachers. Mr. Hughes commented that the "students were fantastic this morning - lot's of engaging games for different areas of Mathematics... They did a great job sharing the different strategies used in the classrooms." We hope you agree!

At this time, the main focus of mathematical investigations in fourth grade continues to be parts and wholes, especially fractions. We began with lots of models, including shape models, line models and set models, such as the ones below:

Even students who are able to solve addition, subtraction and multiplication problems of fractions using algorithms can have difficulty demonstrating an understanding of the problem with a model. Trial and error is challenging, enlightening and fun.

We are also developing strategies to compare and order fractions. After that students will take a look at other ways of representing parts and wholes: decimals and percentages.

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