Thursday, September 29, 2016

Mathematics Update

There are five strands of mathematics in the PYP program. Those strands are Number, Measurement, Pattern and Function, Data Handling, and Shape and Space.

Fourth grader's first math investigations came from the Number strand. We started with place value concepts and then used our knowledge of rounding to review adding and subtracting 3 and 4 digit numbers. Some children are still working on having a variety ways to record their thinking. Ask your child to show you a few algorithms for addition and subtraction.

This week our math learning intentions come from the Shape and Space strand.

After activities to focus the children on sorting shapes by properties, not names, we investigated polygons.
They challenged themselves to create polygons with a certain number of sides from smaller polygons.

The children used polygons to play a game called Guess My Rule. One player thinks of a property and places two polygons that share it on a paper. She also places a polygon without that property nearby. Other players try to place another polygon with that property onto the paper and hope to guess the property.

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